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Lohia Nagar Mount Carmel High School" is a unique creation of a great humanist Late Shri Padma Narayan Singh, Retired Judge. This Institution was established in the year 1987 with a view to serve all, irrespective of social denominations because it 1s being run by "Lord Buddha Educational and Social Development Sansthan", registered under the Societies Registration Act-XXI of 1860.
The main endeavour of this school is to transform into reality the three words incorporated in its Monogram "Love, Knowledge and Service" uttered by the great LordBudha and Jesus Christ. Knowledge can be imparted to the Children only through love and affection. This Institution is pursuing its ideal and goal of social service through these three heavenly messages.

Our Vision

The school provides every opportunity for boys and girls to develop their talents. All students have to participate in extracurricular activities of one kind or the other.. All students have to participate in extracurricular activities of one kind or the other, every afternoon. These include art, craft woodwork, thin and nail work, thread work, music, drama, photography, debate, elocution etc. Good facilities are provided for such activities. The School owns spacious and excellent accommodation of its own, equippedwith the modern amenities.
The children are taught here through the medium of ultra modern educational techniques and systems. It does not belong to any individual. It is being run under the patronage and guidance of eminent persons hailing from different vocations and pursuits of life like Social Workers, who have distinguished themselves in life and belong to different religions.